About Bush Warriors

There is a war taking place on our planet for which there are no headlines, no demonstrations, and no voice. It is a war against some of the most endangered species on our planet and it takes place in some of the most majestic and unexplored biospheres of the world. Unseen and untouched by the Western world, these places are well-suited to commit atrocious acts in hiding.


An African Wild Dog dead after becoming entangled in a poacher’s snare.


The purpose of the Bush Warriors organization is to create global awareness about the plight of the world’s wildlife and biodiversity. Many human activities are responsible for species declines around the globe. Exploding human demand for animals and their body parts is fueling some of the most horrific, inhumane, exploitative crimes against wildlife— poaching, bushmeat trade, exotic animal trade, and so much more. Some of the world’s most popular animals— elephants, rhinos, tigers, lions, dolphins, bears, and more— are on the brink of extinction because of this. At the current poaching rate these species are expected to permanently disappear from their natural habitat within the next 20-50 years. Some, such as central African elephants, could be gone in less than three years.



This war on wildlife can be stopped when enough people in the world stand up and demand it to come to an end immediately. In order for this to happen, more need to know about the devastating impacts that wildlife poaching, animal trafficking, and the bushmeat trade are having on the world’s last remaining wildlife populations and the communities that co-exist with these species. It is public outcry and action about these issues that will force change and save earth’s biodiversity. This is why we want to get you, fellow Bush Warriors, involved in our efforts to raise awareness.


 Photo credit: Karl Ammann

The ultimate goal of Bush Warriors is to go extinct. We want to be the ONLY thing that goes extinct. Our extinction would mean there is no more need to raise awareness about the plight of wildlife because all species are THRIVING in absence of the current wildlife genocide. We hope to get the global community involved to save wildlife and give us no reason to exist. We invite you to join us to fight on behalf of voiceless creatures around the globe and bring victory for wildlife!


Photo credit: Jim Zuckerman


We will soon be launching the Bush Warriors Fund, by which we will partner with small, community-based, grassroots conservation organizations to support various projects that will boost conservation efforts and have major impacts for protecting wildlife and biodiversity.



Asante sana,

Dori and The Bush Warriors Clan


 Please also click on the links below to join us at:

Bush Warriors on Facebook

Bush Warriors on Twitter

Bush Warriors Photo of the Day Contest (To submit and/or enjoy the photography of fellow Bush Warriors)

Bush Warriors Inked Nation for Conservation (Wildlife Tattoos)

Bush Warriors Global Brainstorming Hub (To work with other Bush Warriors in developing solutions to global wildlife issues)


Or you can contact Bush Warriors at bushwarriors@gmail.com


13 Responses to “About Bush Warriors”

  1. otto smith Says:

    Hey there
    can any please tell me how can I get involved in 1 of this anti poaching project I am from South-Africa and I will like to be part of 1 this projects in Kenya and Angola and Tanzania please let me know if it is possible
    Kind Regards
    Otto Smith

    • David Forath Says:

      Hi this isn’t my real name but you can go to one of your cities and do a chalk drawing of an animal and post a fact about how they are decreasing in #’s

    • David Forath Says:

      Identify one of the busiest parts of your city or town.
      Take sidewalk chalk to that location.
      Draw the animal you wish to write the message about and the powerful words that you will find on our ‘Walking on Wildlife’ page. We encourage you to use the exact phrases and numbers we’ve provided you with here (see above messages), in order to display the most accurate information and to be the most effective.
      BE SURE to write ‘bushwarriors.org’ somewhere on your message so that people can come to our website and be educated on these issues.
      Take a photo.
      BE PROUD! You’ve just reached someone in your town or city with information about this animal that he or she was previously unaware of. You’re a loud voice for wildlife and you are making a difference!
      Upload your photo onto our “Bush Warriors: Walking on Wildlife” facebook group (click here), adding your name and exact location of where you’ve placed your message. Include streets, city, state/province, and country). Or email the photo, location, and your name to us at bushwarriors@gmail.com
      Watch awareness take hold and spread like wildfire, as people around the world do what you’ve done in their own cities and towns!

  2. Wow great blog, I truly appreciate the work you’ve been doing Dori, keep it up!
    Poaching is a truly horrific problem and its great that we have a community to start gathering enough momentum to make some change. I’m also interested in getting involved like otto smith and if you know anyway that I could jump in and helpout please let me know.

  3. Hi there,
    It’s nice to see an organization forming to try to solve the problem of poaching. I think “raising awareness” has already been attempted. The problem lies in the fact that these people need either agricultural programs or some sort of job so they can buy food rather than go kill whatever they can find (often endangered species). Do you guys do any proactive wildlife protection? I am planning a trip to Africa next summer (2011), and would like to volunteer with a group to either patrol the forests and animal parks for poachers and/or to work with the local villages to try to develop sustainable living and educate them about the impacts of poaching. If you guys are involved in anything like this, could I join you? If not, could you point me in the direction of a group that does do this sort of thing? I have been trying to find contact information for Karl Ammann, since he seems to do a lot of proactive work in Africa, but I don’t know how to get a hold of him.

    Thank you,

  4. Fantastic work guys!
    The only way that we are going to make progress is through educating the masses.
    It’s people like you who are the unsung heroes of our beautiful Mother Nature.
    As said the two before me, if there is anything you think I can do besides spreading the word, let me know!
    Keep it up!

  5. The carnage in Africa just breaks my heart. Thank you for all that you do.

  6. Gerda Coetzee Says:

    We have just uncovered a tragedy of enormous proportions. 760 + African Grey Parrots were imported illegally into South African after being wild caught in Central Africa. 37 Greys died in the first city they were taken to, and susbsequently 700 more died on the plane in transit to Durban. This is still being kept under wraps and the news of this will probably only be given to the media later this month. This is so upsetting. I would really like to devote my time and energy to getting the laws changed in South Africa to prohibit the importation of wild-caught African Greys. If it becomes totally illegal these people will not have a such a big market for them anymore and the illegal import might also stop. African Greys are being bred in such large numbers in South Africa and the rest of the world, the pressure on the wild populations should really now stop. I would appreciate any help and guidance from people in the know as I havent the foggiest idea how to go about this.

  7. How do I get involved “hands on” with the campaingn to save our wildlife! I want to get involved and have experience, I have also applied at UNISA to study nature conservation…..

  8. i am glad someone is finally speaking up against poaching i cannot stand seeing dead, mangled, rare animals.

  9. Avoid Gumbo Says:

    Wow! Its wonderful to have tireless people in this arena of biodiversity conservation. I think more capacity building projects need to be engaged in to harness wildlife extinction. Animal cruelity must be put to an end as a lot can be derived from them than mere reaping by gready selfish unfocussed poachers. I wish to join in the conservation projects to help nature flourish. Many men tend to forget that all the biota has rights including the right to live. Thanx guys for a wonderful job you are doing.

  10. When i saw these pictures my heart just dropped. Something really needs to be done!

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